Breathing & Relaxation
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Focusing on breathing techniques is an essential part of hypnobirthing as when we learn to create relaxation through breathing we signal to our brains that we are safe. This means that all of the natural responses that we need for birth including hormones and muscle relaxation start to take effect.
Breathing also helps us to manage the different stages of labour and during hypnobirthing you learn breathing techniques to help to birth your baby.

Mindset & Affirmations
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Where the mind goes the body follows – so it is important that we create a positive mindset where we believe in our abilities during pregnancy, labour and birth. Affirmations work well for this as your mind will believe whatever you tell it – and if this is positive affirmations, the effect can be very powerful. On the hypnobirthing course, we look at how you create the mindset which works with your body positively and instinctively.

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Visualisation is a mental technique that involves creating detailed images in your mind to achieve specific goals or outcomes. It uses the brain’s ability to imagine scenarios as real, as it doesn’t know the difference between fiction and reality, which impacts both emotional and physical responses. During hypnobirthing we look at how to create powerful visualisations for your pregnancy, labour and birth.

Muscles used in Birth
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During the stages of labour, different muscles in the uterus are used to enable the baby to move through the birth canal and be born. In our hypnobirthing course we explore how and why these work and what can prevent them from being used effectively.

Hormones used in Birth
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Hormones play a key role in labour and birth. During our hypnobirthing course, we learn about the hormones which are invaluable in playing a positive part e,g, oxytocin and how powerful they can be. We also look at the hormones that we don’t want as part of the labour and birth e.g. adrenaline and what we can do to prevent it from being released